What if you could peer  inside a drop of wine discover its inner beauty, hidden spirit, personality and fantastic EXPRESSIONS? Well, now you can!!! Unique wine photo portraits(through the microscope) help you illuminate the inspiring...

Wine’s Inner Terroir

Wine portrait: Pinot Noir 2008 hope & grace. The French use a term “terroir” to talk about a wine’s expression of place.  They say that only certain wines express terroir which means they express the land and its temperament. We experience...

Whole Hearted BioDynamic Wines

Wines are often deemed hearty when they are full-bodied, rich and dense. And when you look inside, some wines  reveal HEARTS as their major expression.  Is this expressing the heart and soul of the winemaker? The first heart I uncovered in wine was hiding in a 2001...


Is this relationship doomed? He likes white wine, she likes red. I have a dear friend who prefers lean white wines like sauvignon blanc. I have learned over the years that that is my least favorite wine and have thought our relationship was doomed since he...

Jewels of our Vines

It is almost 30 years ago that I started my journey into the inner beauty of wine. It began at Sterling Vineyards when they had an artist-in-residence program and I was fortunate to be selected with two years to prepare. I was guided by the winemaker Theo Rosenbrand...