Tuesday, December 26 is the Cancer Full Moon, the last full moon of 2023. 

And the moon finds itself in its home – Cancer.  What does that mean for those of us who reflect on the moon’s messages?

Take time to be at home and nurture your very special sanctuary.  The day after the Christmas holiday you may want to serve up some tasty leftovers to friends and family. Watery Cancer, the homebody, cherishes nurturing other people so now take time to also nurture yourself. Do it, love yourself, be kind, compassionate and willing to receive the blessings of this season. 

The Sun in Earthly Capricorn provides the stability to home.  Enjoy this very special end of 2023 light.  Also a good time to reflect on what you’d like for 2024.  As Mercury goes direct on Jan. 1, 2024 there’s nothing to stop your forward movement.  Choose wisely and with heart. 

The above image is by Benedetti

It’s a perfect time to consider scheduling and elemental reading with me for the new year.

These are the microelemental images for this full moon.  What do these images say to you?