Making the invisible visible program

 Do your thoughts seem to run you?  Well, they are also running your cells.  That  constant imagined worry puts them into fight or flight/stress and depletes  your energy. Yet you can manage your thoughts with proven “cellular” strategies, and I don’t mean phones.  In...

Making Visible the Invisible -Celemental Magic

Making Visible the Invisible  “Making something invisible visible is the act of Manifestation.  It is turning something abstract into something concrete.”David Spangler ~ Everyday Miracles The Hidden Knowledge Within  Most of who you are is Invisible, Unseen and...

The Element Experience

The Element Experience: An 8-week Exploration of Air, Water, Earth & Fire Are you curious about the essential elemental you? Come learn and discover with us. In this live online program with Dr. Sondra Barrett you will have a first-hand experience of  the fabulous...