Beyond the French Paradox

The better cardiovascular health among the French people compared to Americans has been a puzzle. Even though the French eat a lot more saturated fat (meat, cheese, butter), smoke more, and exercise less, the French have forty percent fewer heart attacks. Initially,...


When I began writing the acknowledgement page for my new book, it was easy to think of the people I immediately wanted to acknowledge and give thanks to – my kids, my good friends, my obvious teachers, my editor and publisher.   After the first draft, more names...

Shaping Wine…

If wine had an image to represent its character, style or personality – what kind of wine do you think would be represented by the above image? I often fantasize that if wine bottles had pictures of what’s inside the bottle, we the consumer might make...

Wine Shaman?

Jo Diaz named me the wine shaman when we first met, I owned up to that name yet had not defined it. Until now. What is a wine shaman? Well, first know that a shaman is One who sees into things, sees energy, images, stories from the other side of knowing. A shaman...