We are not our DNA but without it we wouldn’t exist.


Each set of instructions that tell our cells which proteins to construct is embedded in a 3-lettered code held within the strands of our DNA. Those spiral strands of DNA in one person’s cells, if unwound and stretched out, would measure 123 billion miles long.

One person’s genetic information is 123 billion miles long and could extend to the moon and back 60 times!

That’s a lot of information and so far, only 2% has been recognized as having specific coding abilities. The rest is a mystery.

Some spiritual traditions believe there is a sky ladder that connects us to heaven. And when you look at DNA it looks like a spiraling ladder,the rungs connecting both strands. And  those invisible threads of our cells could extend that far – if heaven was the moon.

Yet did the idea for the sky ladder, Jacob’s ladder, come from the inner visions of our cells?

The top image is a pictograph on the caves of ancient ruins at Palatki outside Sedona, AZ. The middle one a model of DNA and the bottom one a photomicrograph of DNA taken  through an interference microscope.