Spirits of the Vine

My love for wine came first from its inner expression.  I had no intention to be following the life of wine for more than 25 years.  Yet in that time I have been privy to the life and spirit of wines from 45 years old to a day old (not yet wine). The visual...


Be here now, a saying to us old hippies to stop living in the past or future. And I’ve been writing about how our cells are always in the now until our mind takes them somewhere else.  An interesting idea but what does this mean in “real life?”...

Aging – Wine and Us

I’ve thought a lot about aging, but mostly about wine. I certainly don’t like to SEE how I am aging. But perhaps we each need to consider a new look at the positive aspects of our aging. My friend and mentor Tomas Pinkson has begun to offer a way to...

PS I love you – the art in wine

Last week, Jo Diaz, Executive Director of Petite Sirah Advocacy Group, gave a few us a wonderful opportunity to taste 16 petite sirahs.  We were a small group of 5 women enjoying this vast array of wines.  What was so surprising to me, two of us rated and experienced...

Red Wine Blue Whine

I suppose it could be said, drink red wine while whining about last night’s election.  So first a toast to the winners especially in my home state of California, we’re still blue. To be honest, I am blue about the national election results and the...