Your Inner Healer, Cellular Wisdom
Cellular wisdom made real along with shamanic imagination and the benefits of medical science.
Awaken to the Day
How we begin each day helps us Awaken to the Wisdom Within Create a rhythm or ritual to how you start each day Meeting the Day - MORNING RITUAL Connecting to cell, self and Soul Gratitude Meditate ~ Breathe Setting Intention Connecting to Bodymind Spirit Logging On -...
Intention & InTension
Over the last few years “intention” has been a buzz word for new age and transformational healers, teachers and business leaders. If you intend something it has to come true, if you intend hard enough. “What is your intent for this work. Picture your intention and...
Single wine drinkers
A cold wet Sunday afternoon and I’m forced to look at a question that maybe you can help me with. What do singles who enjoy wine, yet are alone, choose to drink? I made beautiful rare lamb chops and roasted potatoes, no greens sorry, and wanted to warm up this...
Opening Up
Wine lovers talk about how a wine opens up once its let out of the bottle. When we pour wine into our glass and swirl, we're helping the wine open up. It softens and release its many volatile components into the air, and our nose. A lot more happens, of course, as...
Tips for Immune Health
Since Ultimate Immunity, my new book, is now available to be ordered, I thought that I'd start adding some wisdom about immune health here. I got into learning about immune functions when I was accepted as a post-doctoral fellow in immunology-hematology at UCSF...