Remember to Vote!

Never before has your vote counted as much as now. You may be unhappy with what’s happening in this country. You may be pleased and optimistic with the amount of progress made in the last two years. You may be nervous and fearful about the extreme views and...

Wine Shaman

Jo Diaz named me that a few months ago.  It is so appropriate and so unconventional, dare I say ‘that’s me.?’ What is a wine shaman, you may ask.  My definition – its someone who looks into wine for hidden messages and mysterious molecular...

Salute Chile

On Wednesday October 13, the 33 miners were freed from their months long imprisonment below the surface of the earth.  They were greeted as heroes, looking good in spite of their hardships.  That night, I with Jo and Jose Diaz and Chinois restaurant co-owner Debby...

Universe in Wine

I am often asked, “What are these pictures, what do they show?” One answer is the hidden universe in wine. My other answers go from wine Rorschach to the artistic expression of the winemaker or the land.  No matter which interpretation, these photographs of wine...

Harvest begins – late

2010 may well be the strangest weather/whether year yet. Whether the grapes will ripen on time, before the rains come.  Whether the yield will be greatly diminished because of the sun burned raisined grapes with our bounce of 100 degree weather.  Whether this will be...