Cell NetWorks

When you think of a net work – what does it look like? Our computers network with other devices invisibly… how does THAT happen? The neurons in our brain and body build networks connecting through  molecular embrace, electrical impulses and contracting...

Visual Taste:Opus One

As a wine photographer I often receive a thimble-full of wine, not enough to  taste  Yet I do get to taste with my eyes and recently explored (with the microscope) several vintages of Opus One and wondered longingly if the images reflected the true nature of the wine....
The Force is with YOU

The Force is with YOU

When I take the time to remember that I have been given the gift of the sacred energy of LIFE I can sometimes move out of selfishness and lack to the wholeness of us all.  We are all connected  by the air we breathe, the roads we share, the food that is harvested, and...