
Becoming Heart-full Can GRATITUDE change our mind, body and wellbeing?   Feeling grateful enables all of our cells and senses to resonate together, all aligned with the deeper heart and soul , to whatever we  call our spiritual source. The...

Our Cosmic Origins

We come from the stars. You may think that’s a metaphor? I did, until at a recent solstice ceremony the shaman quoted astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson that we are stardust. That idea catapulted me into exploring a whole new worldview – our origins,...

Zodiac maps – the human body

The Zodiac body. In ancient cosmology, the planets were said to have dominion over specific parts of the body. For instance, Saturn rules structure and in the body, BONE. The map of the body and map of the skies – what do they have to show us? Part of the...

The Energy of Libra

Libra is the sign of balance. Its symbol or glyph is the setting sun, a visual reminder that Libra brings in the Equinox, the time when the light of night and day are equal. Libra, an air sign, symbolizes the energy of the mind, intellect and ideas. Ruled by Venus it...