Early morning Thursday, May 23 the full moon in Fiery Sagittarius, Sun in Airy Gemini. will peak at 6:53 am PT. We will be able to see the full moon Wed, Thurs, and Friday nights.  This is an AIr-Fire partnership.  Elementally, this is a very creative and communicative time.  As you know, the elements have been what I’ve been most interested in.  Consider that fire needs air to keep the flame or spark burning.  Just as taking a deep breath of air through moving or meditating, will help ignite our creative spark  if we are feeling stuck. 

Full moons are times of completion, bringing something out into the bright light. 

Since I’ve begun studying astrology, I recently became aware of the 3 modalities of the signs of the zodiac, cardinal, fixed and mutable. They are expressions of energy and the seasons.  Cardinal signs start the season and relate to initiating projects (consider Aries, the beginning of spring.) Fixed signs are full expressions of the season (Example, Taurus, the heart of spring) and being steadfast knowing you will see the project to completion.  Mutable signs are the end of the season and preparing us for the next season, being flexible and adaptable. (Gemini has been getting us ready to adapt to the warmer season of summer ).  This month in northern California, we’ve certainly had some unseasonably hot days.

This upcoming full moon is heralded by the mutable sun in Gemini and mutable moon in Sagittarius.  This may be way too much astro-speak for you.  So let me bring this into practical terms.

We are moving into a time asking us to be flexible and adaptable, open to new ideas, conversations, creative expressions, being optimistic and willing to take risks.  Be an adventurer and traveler, on land or in the mind/heart.  You are now wildly expansive, curious, and innovative

And here’s the guidance of the MicroCosmic Wisdom cards.  Unfortunately, or fortunately, the printed cards are sold out but you can get digital copies if interested. 

The Digital guidebook has full color images of all the cards and all the guidance, and a lot more. They are sold separately. The digital deck has no guidebook. 



Wishing you a fabulous new season and a stellar full moon.