I. SOUND works at a cellular level and tunes us up.  

  Align your body mind heart and soul with a HUMMM. 

How to: Take a deep breath and on your exhale make the sound MMM with your lips closed. You most likely will first feel the VIBRATION AND sound in your throat, chest, and heart. Your heart beats its drum and plucks its strings sending that same vibration frequency throughout your body. When you do this long enough (could be 30 seconds or 10 minutes) all your cells arrive at the same place – NOW. Beating together mind is embraced in that vibration and when we reach the ever-present NOW our soul aligns with us. Deep easy breathing attunes your cells to a shared vibration. They resonate together, aligning all of you the physical, emotions, mental and the sacred.  Cells are string instruments, which means that their whole insides of cells is filled with a fabric or matrix, called the cytoskeleton.  Strings VIBRATE.  So if you want to raise your vibrations, start experimenting with a few minutes of humming.  Not humming a song, rather making the purring sound.


II. Breathe in Gratitude and AWE

Many sage and wise people remind us that the mere act of expressing/feeling gratitude brings us into alignment. Keep a gratitude journal like Oprah suggests.

Or when you awake in the morning, think about what you are grateful for. At the end of the day, remember and write 3 things you were grateful that day. Each time you feel and remember being grateful, you could also hum and further embody your true self. Or you could touch your thumb and first finger together or even sniff a favorite scent. Using one of the physical senses to pair with a positive state of mind, conditions our cells, helps them learn.   Any sensory snack will further help our cells engage in learning and holding the state of gratitude, being grateful.

Once more, wholeness is achieved– body mind, emotion and spirit. The neurons that fire together (with gratitude) wire together. Bringing the senses in anchors your feelings, body mind heart with being grateful.

III. Commit

When we are aligned, our cells vibrating together with our mind, new tracks in our brain are being laid down to strengthen this experience. You more easily make change when you commit to a new behavior, replace an old unwanted habit with one that carries the integrity of the whole. Here is where intention and consciousness can direct the flow embracing all your cells.