Wine portrait: Quintessa 2001 (Bordeaux blend – biodynamic).

When I was a medical scientist it became clear that getting better from an illness was more than about molecules. A whole body of research evolved showing how important people are to our overall well-being.  Of course, people can be a major source of stress yet they also are a rich source of connection and joy.

When I got bitten by the wine bug and the molecular displays under the microscope I learned about the French Paradox.  “If the French can eat high fat meals, smoke and not exercise, why is it they have far less heart disease than Americans? It has to be the RED WINE, scientists reasoned.

Red wine carries many molecules that can contribute to our health.  However, what about lifestyle?  How do the French live their daily lives? Leisure, sharing meals in the middle of the day? How does the current American lifestyle contribute to heart problems?  What about the hurried, rush rush competitive pace? Its not only how hard we work or what we eat or drink.  It’s also who we spend time with, that we have people in our lives to spend time with. Do we really need scientists to tell us – take 2 friends out and call me in the morning?

Consider the next time you want to open a bottle of red wine, who do you want to share it with.

Here’s a clip to listen  about the company we keep


The above image was the first heart I saw in a wine – an incredible red wine – Quintessa 2001, a wine made with love.