Making Visible

the Invisible 

“Making something invisible visible is the act of Manifestation.  It is turning something abstract into something concrete.”
David Spangler ~ Everyday Miracles

The Hidden Knowledge Within 

Most of who you are is Invisible, Unseen and Hidden

There are  trillions of amazing unseen cells that keep us alive. And quadrillions of invisible molecules that trigger our cells into action every minute. What about how our thoughts and emotions impact our diverse inner world?.  All in constant communication, without our awareness.

What if we could tune into that unseen world and engage with it intentionally.

Our ideas, energy, dreams and imagination are all invisible and engage with our cells.  Learn  to make it a two-way conversation.

All invisible – our cells, thoughts and what we imagine.  The air that we breathe, our inner waters,  and of course, our spirit.

The essence of  us is hidden from sight and maybe from our own awareness. If we could see them and make them tangible would that help us grow and know who we are, be more in tune and grateful?

How to make this all visible and tangible – “real.”  In my early days as I scientist exploring healing, I used art and creative expression to make tangible my thoughts and feelings.  I then used that strategy with children and adults with cancer to express what they imagined  their cancer cells looked like or how they were feeling.  That makes visible all of that inner world.  It helps to cultivate hidden healing powers within.  Is Qi visible?

That’s how this program came about, first from  compelling images from the microscopic worlds s along with  mystical, metaphysical and creative discoveries.

Here we explore the magic of the vast unseen realms within us. Magical power of images, be they from the microscope or our imagination can make real and accessible what is lost in the unseen realms..

THE WISDOM OF THE BODY – Sounds True Summit Interview Video

 Our unseen cells are EXTRAORDINARY in what they do for us and we can  harness their intelligence, fall in love and care for ourselves in whole new ways.

This program Making Visible the Invisible weaves together many threads of knowledge from science to the metaphysical.   Plus it will make the unseen visible to you in practical ways for self-discovery. Through visual presentations, discussion, guided imagery and your own creative intuitive expressions, you inner world comes out of hiding and we know life and ourselves a lot better.

Dare to experience what helps you feel more whole, unhidden, and alive.  

Meet your miraculous symphony of cells.  With your imagination, senses, and the essential 4 elements of Air, Water, Earth and Fire,  you discover your hidden sacred nature.


The  first portal into this amazing hidden world of us is


Starts Wed.  May 8 at noon PT.

The 2nd week of this Module is May 15.

All live sessions are done on Zoom and video replays will be available if you can’t make it live.

“Your Cells are Listening” with Tami Simon.




Discover the Hidden Knowledge Within

The  Whole 6-module Program Details

1. Your Cells are Listening: To Your Thoughts and Emotions

•  What your cells know and do for your body to respond 

To Mental and emotional disturbances and blessings: worry, fear, awe

Communicating with your cells: Information receiving sites and responders (receptors and the cytoskeleton)

•  3 Cellular practices for balance and tuning in.

At Home Activities: Your Experiment and Results

Your assignment should you choose to explore: Practice what you learned and track your experience and optional energy watch, write

Module 1 is two consecutive weeks and can be taken independantly of the other modules.

Three more cellular mind-body spirit practices will be taught in week 2  plus more time for discussion, Q and A, support and follow up.

What you will gain from Module 1 Your Cells are Listening 

  • An understanding of how you and your cells communicate.  Their intelligence to respond to your thoughts and feelings
  • 6 practices/skills to explore/discover what works best for you – for shifting thoughts or emotion
  • Know yourself better and deep appreciation for the invisible wisdomwithin you and being able to better manage life’s ups and downs.


Take only Module 1 Register here. The cost for the two WEEKS OF MODULE 1 is $50.00 You can choose to sign up for this module only. Plus you can bring a friend at no additional cost. It begins May 8 and continues May 15.

Modules 2-6  start on May 29. You can take this without taking Module 1.   Cost $125

Take ALL 6 MODULES – REGISTER HERE Cost $170.  The first 10 people who sign up for all 6 modules can also bring a friend free.

    The series  begins on Wednesday May 8 at 11 am PT. 

    Module 1 = two consecutive weeks May 8 and May 15. 

    Modules 2-6 begins on May 29 and the 4 Wednesdays in June, 1 week each

    Who is this for?

    • Those curious about science and the sacred, astrology,  healimg
    • Educators, parents, spiritually inclined
    • Sick and tired of being sick and tired
    • Healers, artists, mystics, and metaphysical explorers
    • YOU

    Each 90 minute class includes lecture and experiential practice, visual presentation, personal exploration, discussion and a guided visualization

    All is recorded in case you can’t make it in person or want to watch it again.

    Module 1 – Your Cells are Listening  – will start on Wednesday, May 8, with the 2nd session of Mod 1 on May 15 at  11 am  PT.   SIGN UP NOW

    Modules 2-6 Begin May 29. 


    2. Inner Worlds made Visible

    Thoughts, imagination and creative expression

    Energy and vibrations

    Movement and Sound

    3.   Cosmic Connections

    The Zodiac, Energy, and Our Vibrations

    From Stardust, Sun,, Moon and Nature

    As above, so below – MicroCosmic and Macrocosmic – Astro

    4.  Elemental Mystical Wisdom

    Molecular Messages- Hidden Magic

    The 4 Elements Essential to LifeAir, Water, Earth and Fire

    Our Internal Elemental Temperaments and Personality

    5.  Your Hidden Elemental Signature/Code

    Molecular Geometry, Signs and Symbols

    Engaging Your Inner Elemental Nature

    Cosmic Codes, the Big 3

    6.  Embracing and Expressing Your Sacred Unseen Self

    MindBody Spirit and Cosmic Soul Connections

    Cellebrations and Practice

    Gratitude for your Unseen Realms – They are Me, I AM


    The Whole Program

    Each 90 minute class includes lecture and experiential practice, visual presentation, personal exploration, discussion and a guided visualization

    All is recorded in case you can’t make it in person.

    Module 1 will start on Wednesday, May 8, with the 2nd session of Mod 1 on May 15 at  noon  PT.   SIGN UP NOW



    Let's Connect 

    (415) 827-8260

    741 Mountain View Ave. Petaluma CA 94952

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