Soulful Self-Discovery: Reclaim Your Amazing Powerful Self

A 5-week online program for women over 50

Do you sometimes find yourself questioning who you are, why are you here, your purpose, your legacy? Do you sometimes feel lost or disconnected from your true self? Are you ready to reclaim the unique woman you are? Are you ready to know amd LOVE your soul self.   If so, you’re not alone.  I am with you

Elderhood is a vibrant stage of life yet, we may be grappling with feeling uncertain, criticial,  or overcome by self-doubt. Yet what if you could embark on a transformative journey to reclaim your core authentic self and rediscover the sacred  whole woman you were always meant to be?  What if  you could rediscover self-love?

Rediscover You.  A Journey of Awakening Your True Self

Accept the awesomeness of who you are.  

We are so much more powerful  than what we may think, judge or believe. 

In this new program, I am calling a pilot progrm since I’ve not taught thiis material in this conext.  Weaving modern psycho-biolological awareness strategies with the ancient wisdom of the 4 elements of air, water, earth, and fire, this program gives you a rich multi-dimensional experience , a context to rediscover you and experience greater self awareness, appreciation, and acceptance. The elements may seeem out of place yet the elemental wisdom woven throughout the program creates an integrated framework thst incorporates mind, body and spiritual aspects of self-discovery. This program is about expanding YOUR self-awareness and experiencing the next chapter of your life with joy and purpose. It’s a celebration of you and your life.

Transformation is not about becoming someone new.

It’s about discovering the you who has always been there.

~William Paul Young

A Transformative Journey to Self-Awareness, Self-Love and Empowerment

Over the five weeks, you will:

  • Experience tools that enhance your sense of self and deepen your awareness.
  • Recognize your strengths and foster a loving empowering relationship with yourself.
  • Discover how your words impact your well-being.
  • Experience your body and cellular universe as gifts and sacred sanctuary.
  • Connect more with Nature, Spirit. and self-love.
  • Engage with the four elements to expand your sense of belonging and connection to the world around and within you
  • Recharge and boost your well-being

By participating in this program you will learn  to:

      • Deepen your self trust, awareness, and sense of self
      • Silence your inner critic, diminish negative self talk and build a foundation of wisdom, clarity and decisiveness
      • Reduce stress and replenish your energy
      • Reclaim your personal power
      • Enhance self love, acceptance and self care
      • Improve relationships and communications
      • Know yourself as a sacred soulful being

    This new pilot program invites you to reconnect with your soul full self and  embrace a life of awareness and wisdom. 

    Are you ready to take the first step?

    Join us for an empowering five-weeks to help you navigate this vibrant stage of life.

    Secure your spot in Soulful Self-Discovery today to take the journey towards self-love, creative expression, and profound transformation.

    Each 60-90 minute session will be live on Zoom and will be recorded.   You will receive a handout and summary of the session the day before the class.  To help you keep your commitment to yourself for success, there will be at home activities including a morning practice, reflections and even some creative espression.  Space is limited to 15 women so reserve your place today.  

     Register now. Don’t Miss Out 


    Week 1. SELF

    • The I
    • Discover how your thoughts talk to your cells
    • Stress and Breath
    • The Sound of the Self
    • Awareness – the Inner You


    Week 2. GRATITUDE

    • Awesome you
    • Mind and Brain
    • Self-love
    • Neuroplasticity
    • Awareness – mindbody, the heart of you




    Week 3. I AM

    • Souful You
    • The power of Words
    • Cell talk – self talk
    • Your higher expression
    • Awareness – befriend yourself






    Week 4. Cosmic You

    • What are you made of – stardust
    • The 4 elements of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth
    • Legacy – what do you want
    • What will your obituary say?
    • Awareness – the whole you


    Week 5. Transformation -Celebrate You

    • Reverence for life, to live before we die
    • What do you affirm?
    • Connection with the divine
    • Awareness – the loving and loved you


    Sign up now for this 5-week  class that starts on Monday September 23 at noon PDT.