Being in alignment with body, mind and soul takes  more than mental adjustments.  It takes more than emptying the mind or moving the body.  It takes every cell in the body connecting, resonating,  with every other cell sending out energy and vibrations that embrace body and mind.

Today I sat, once more, trying to meditate, to ask questions about how to market cellular intelligence.  What I intuited was to once again embody my belief that sound is a potent healer and activates vibrational energy, is vibrational energy.  What I have experienced in myself and people I’ve worked with, when we use sound – as simple as a hum or as complex as a hindu chant –  we automatically go into a meditative state. The humming sound quiets the chatter and soon, cells are reverberating with the sound.  I could feel it  in my chest, my belly my head.

Another insight was to give thanks to my cells for accomplishing this state or sense of alignment.  Be in  gratitude, don’t just say the words.  When I reached into that felt sense, being ever grateful for the trillions of microscopic pieces of me, my soul or spirit came into the picture and I felt light pouring in, even though there was no sun shining outside my window.

How easy this is to touch into the sacred wisdom of our cellular universe, the universe that composes our physical self.  To be in alignment. And yet, we are so much more and so are they.

God’s hand illuminates life

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Going up the ladder

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