“Magic’s fundamental conception is identical with that of modern Science; underlying the whole system is a faith… in the order and uniformity of Nature.”

Sir James Frazer ~ The Golden Bough.



This may look like a mandala…

Is it ancient sacred art?  Or is it a modern computer graphic of DNA?

Mandalas and Mantras are magical ancient ritual practices still used today to connect us to our core, our spirit, soul, God.

Take a close look at the design and structure of these two images, both represent the universe in different ways .

The one on the right is a painting of an ancient sacred symbol – the Sri Yantra.  On the left, a modern look at the atoms in DNA ‘built’ by Dr. Bob Langridge who was head of the computer graphics department at UCSF.

For years I’ve used this  image of DNA, the bottom left picture.  I had spent a very short time in Bob’s lab – couldn’t grok computer language so went back to cells.  Anyway, recently I had to obtain written permission from him to use in my new book and emailed this lower image.  He emailed me back and told me it was ‘upside down’ –  the right way is the top picture.  He saw that image as resembling the vitruvian man.